

Каталог предприятий

НЦ Агроресурсы

Model 1 "Energy raw materials"

The most common modern practice of vegetable energy resources with the example of rape with the crop capacity of 2 tons/ha, alienation from the agroecosystem 40 thousand tons of rapeseeds and straw burning.

Features of the model 1 "Energy raw materials"

From the farmer’s perspective:

• Simplest technological cycle "sow – harvest – sell" with productivity of 700 $/ha or $14 million for 20 thousand hectares.

• Carry-over of NPK is equivalent to mineral fertilizer worth 150 $/ha or $3 million for the whole land.

• One-third of profits is obtained by depleting the soil.

• The system is completely dependent on external resources and is focused on meeting the short-term objectives of the agribusinesses owner.

From the importing countries’ perspective:

• Cost of obtained oil indemnifies for initial costs of raw materials ($16 million).

• Remaining 24 tons of meal are equivalent to 4 thousand tons of finished animal products, whose value exceeds the cost of raw materials ($20 million).

• Importers should also take into account the cost of biogenic elements imported with raw materials ($3 million without microelements).

• No account is taken about secondary animal products: biogas, biohumus, etc.

Destructive exploitation of natural resources, production is unstable, land users are not interested in the development of sectoral structure, systematic reduction of the arable land productivity, unemployment and depopulation.


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